A Turing machine is a -tuple
where each element is defined as follows
– A finite set of states
– The start state
– Single accepting state
– Single rejecting state
Note that, and are two distinct states.
– Finite input alphabet not containing the blank symbol . The blank symbol is a special symbol to indicate that the tape cell is empty.
The input string starts at the beginning of the tape followed by an infinite number of blanks.
– Finite tape alphabet with and .
– Transition function (a total function) mapped as follows
Given a state and the current tape symbol (pointed by the tape-head) the transition writes a new symbol, changes state and moves the tape-head one cell either to the left or to the right.
- The above definition makes the Turing Machine a deterministic machine.
- The input string is initially populated from the left-most end of the tape. Each cell is populated with a single symbol.
- The input string cells are followed by an infinite number of blank cells. The tape extends infinitely to the right.
- The tape-head initially starts at the left-most cell (start of the tape). During each transition the tape-head has an option to either go right or left.
- A computation of a Turing Machine is free to modify the tape-cells (even the input string cells).
Accept/Reject/Run forever
There is only one final state – . There are no outgoing transitions from .
There is only one reject state – . There are no outgoing transitions from .
Once a computation enters state, the Turing Machine accepts that computation. It need not read the entire input.
Once a computation enters state, the Turing Machine rejects that computation. It need not read the entire input.
If is , the machine accepts every string. If is , the machine rejects every string.
It is quite possible that a computation never ends up in either or . This is the case when the machine runs forever.