d-Separation through examples

Given a Bayesian network, d-Separation presents a way to check if a set of variables, P, is conditionally independent of another set of variables, Q, given an observed set of variables E. The observed set is also called the evidence. In this article, the conditional independence of two single nodes p and q given E is explored. This can be extended to sets. Two sets are conditionally independent if each element of the first set is conditionally independent of every element in the second set.


Dependence is associated when there exists an active path connecting the two nodes. If there is no active path between the two nodes, they are said to be separated. Whether a path is active depends on the direction of the edges between the nodes and which nodes are part of the evidence E. Hence, the term d-Separation.

Two nodes p and q are conditionally independent given evidence E, if p and q are d-separated by E. This holds true when all undirected paths between p and q are inactive. The direction of the arrows in the path can fall into one of 3 cases.

Causal Chain

    \begin{equation*}      p \rightarrow e \rightarrow q  \end{equation*}

If e is observed, the triple p - e - q is considered inactive. If e is unobserved, the triple p - e - q is considered active.


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e is ObservedInactive

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e is UnobservedActive

Common Cause

    \begin{equation*}      p \leftarrow e \rightarrow q  \end{equation*}

If e is observed, the triple p - e - q is considered inactive. If e is unobserved, the triple p - e - q is considered active.


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e is ObservedInactive

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e is UnobservedActive

Common Effect

    \begin{equation*}      p \rightarrow e \leftarrow q  \end{equation*}

If e or any descendant of e is observed, the triple p - e - q is considered active. Otherwise, the triple p - e - q is considered inactive.


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e is ObservedActive

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f, a descendant of e, is ObservedActive

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e is Unobserved
and all descendants of e are Unobserved


  1. Given query: is p conditionally independent of q, given evidence set E = \{e_1, e_2, \cdots e_n\}.
  2. Mark all the nodes in the evidence set.
  3. For all undirected non-looping paths between p and q
    1. Check whether the path is active. A path is active if each triple along the path is active.
    2. If a path is active, it is not guaranteed that p is conditionally independent of q given E.
  4. All paths between p and q have been found inactive. It is guaranteed that p is conditionally independent of q given E.

Example Network

Consider the following Bayesian Network

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Is A conditionally independent of D given \{C\}?

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PathTripleTypeObservationTriple StatusPath Status
A - C - B - D
A \rightarrow C \leftarrow BCommon EffectC is observedActive
C \leftarrow B \rightarrow DCommon CauseB is unobservedActive

One path connecting A and D is active. Thus, it is not guaranteed that A is conditionally independent of D given \{C\}.

Is A conditionally independent of D given \{B, C\}?

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PathTripleTypeObservationTriple StatusPath Status
A - C - B - D
A \rightarrow C \leftarrow BCommon EffectC is observedActive
C \leftarrow B \rightarrow DCommon CauseB is observedInactive

All paths connecting A and D are inactive. Thus, it is guaranteed that A is conditionally independent of D given \{B, C\}.

Is A conditionally independent of G given \{C, E\}?

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PathTripleTypeObservationTriple StatusPath Status
A - C - B - E - G
A \rightarrow C \leftarrow BCommon EffectC is observedActive
C \leftarrow B \rightarrow ECommon CauseB is unobservedActive
B \rightarrow E \rightarrow GCausal ChainE is observedInactive
A - C - B - D - G A \rightarrow C \leftarrow BCommon EffectC is observedActive
C \leftarrow B \rightarrow DCommon CauseB is unobservedActive
B \rightarrow D \rightarrow GCausal ChainD is unobservedActive

One path connecting A and G is active. Thus, it is not guaranteed that A is conditionally independent of G given \{C, E\}.

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