A Hidden Markov Model is in essence a finite state machine. The states of the machine output an observable event with some probability. The states themselves are hidden and transition to each other with some probability.
A vocabulary is a set of all possible observations. For example, here is a sequence of observations.
Observations can repeat and need not output every element in the Vocabulary
A sequence of observations. Each observation is output by a state. For the above example, and
A Hidden Markov Model is a sequence of observations and states. The extra states are the start and final states.
Set of States
is a set of possible states. Special states, and , denote the start and final states respectively.
Hidden States
A Hidden Markov Model will start with , followed by states and end with . Here is a possible sequence of hidden states for the above example observations
States can repeat and need not include every element in the Set of States
A state/observation in the sequence of states/observations is indexed by . Thus,
Observation will be output by state . This state can be any state from the set . A state in the set of states is indexed by or .,
When the state in the sequence of states is state , it is defined as follows
The above example can thus be redrawn as
Transition Probability Matrix
Transitions between the states are expressed as probabilities. denotes the probability of moving from state to state .
A state has a transition probability to every other state in and the final state .
By the law of total probability
The matrix can be defined as follows. Each row must add up to .
For simplicity, here is an example configuration
The Transition Probability Matrix for the above configuration will be
Observation Likelihood
The emission of an observation by a state is also expressed as a probability. is the probability of an observation being generated from a state . These are also called emission probabilities.
Every state in has an emission probability for observation .
The matrix can be defined as follows
Extending the previous example
The Observation Likelihood Matrix for the above configuration will be
Hidden Markov Model
A Hidden Markov Model is thus defined by the above two matrices and . This is written as
In addition, a first-order Hidden Markov Model also follows two simplifying assumptions.
Markov Assumption
The probability of a particular state depends only on the previous state
Output Independence
The probability of an output observation , depends only on the state that produced the observation and not on any other states or any other observations
Thank You
- Mark – for pointing out typos and errors
Thank you for the excellent write up! Very clearly explained. However, I believe the example state transition probability matrix (A) should have the 0.3 and 0.5 values in swapped positions on the bottom row (i.e. 0.3 0.5 0.2)
I have fixed the error you have pointed out. Thank you.