Turing Machines Configurations

Snapshot as a String

A configuration of a Turing Machine is a snapshot of the current state of the machine. It is expressed as a string.

The string has three components

  • the tape contents to the left of the tape-head
  • the current state
  • the tape contents to the right of the tape-head (including the current cell)

These components are shown in different colors below

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The configuration of the above snapshot will be

    \begin{equation*} x_1 x_2 x_3 q x_4 x_5 x_6 \end{equation*}

Formal Definition

A configuration of a Turing Machine is a string x_1 \cdots x_{n} q y_1 \cdots y_m where

  • the tape contents are x_1, \cdots x_n \cdots y_1 \cdots y_m. This is followed by infinite blanks \textvisiblespace.
  • the tape-head is pointing at y_1
  • the current state is q

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Note that after x_m all the tape cells are \textvisiblespace. Thus there are infinite such configurations for a given snapshot.

    \begin{align*} & x_1 \cdots x_{n} q y_1 \cdots y_m \\ & x_1 \cdots x_{n} q y_1 \cdots y_m \textvisiblespace \\ & x_1 \cdots x_{n} q y_1 \cdots y_m \textvisiblespace \textvisiblespace \\ & \vdots \end{align*}

A configuration can thus be written as xqy where x = x_1 \cdots x_{n} and y = y_1 \cdots y_m are the tape-contents in the red and blue region respectively.

It makes perfect sense for x to be the empty string, but y should have at least one symbol (the cell the tape-head is pointing to).

Right Transition

Suppose that the current configuration is xqay where x, y \in \Gamma^*, a \in \Gamma and q \in Q.

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Consider the following transition \delta(q, a) = (q', b, R)

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The configuration changes to xbq'y.

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This is denoted as

    \begin{equation*} xqay \vdash xbq'y \end{equation*}

Left Transition

Suppose that the current configuration is xcqay where x, y \in \Gamma^*, a,c \in \Gamma and q \in Q.

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Consider the following transition \delta(q, a) = (q', b, L)

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The configuration changes to xbq'y.

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This is denoted as

    \begin{equation*} xcqay \vdash xq'cby \end{equation*}

c ensures that the tape-head is not pointing at the left end of the tape. If the configuration is qay, the same transition will not move the tape-head.

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    \begin{equation*} qay \vdash q'by \end{equation*}

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Initial Configuration

On input string w when the configuration is

    \begin{equation*} q_o w \end{equation*}

it is called a starting or initial configuration.

Accepting Configuration

A configuration of the form

    \begin{equation*} x q_{accept} y \end{equation*}

is called an accepting configuration.

Rejecting Configuration

A configuration of the form

    \begin{equation*} x q_{reject} y \end{equation*}

is called an rejecting configuration.


A computation on a Turing Machine is a series of configurations C_0, C_1 \cdots C_m such that

    \begin{equation*} C_{i-1} \vdash C_i \quad \forall 1 \leq i \leq m \end{equation*}

and C_0 is the initial configuration.

If in addition C_m is accepting then the string is accepted by the machine – accepting computation

If instead C_m is rejecting then the string is rejected by the machine – rejecting computation

There can be computations where the string is neither accepted or rejected. The Turing Machine runs forever.

1 Comment Turing Machines Configurations

  1. Pingback: Turing Machine Variant - Nondeterminism - TheBeardSage

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